Current problems with cache and system interfaces.
The cache does not have "bucket" storage on pubkeys meaning that it will not work in its current format, if a user has multiple bills on the same pubkey. This could be fixed by updating the cache to have bucket storage, and each time we have a update from the dart in the recorder regarding a bill, we construct a new search request for all bills pubkeys and send against the dart.
The problem with the above idea, is in case that a user has many bills on a single pubkey, we might need to return 1000 bills on a request, which is not a scalable solution. Maybe it is better to update the requests?
Proposed solution
We introduce a new method called hirpc.trt.dartRead
(And also deprecate
which goal is to return all DARTIndices
for a specific public key. This will greatly reduce the overall response since a DARTIndices
is only 32
- The user sends a
request on all their public keys and gets all dartindices back where archives were found from the TRT ("or cache"). - The user checks for bills in their bill[] on the responded dartindexs. If some bills are found in their bill[] but were not in the response, the bill is no longer in the system and has been deleted. Likewise if some bills are not found in their bill[] but were found in their response the user might have received further payment.
- The user takes the public keys which were not found in the bill[] but in the response, and performs a
only on the indices that are necessary to read (new archives). - The user is returned the new found archives which the user was the owner of.
A cache is also created which contains Document[DARTIndex]
making the lookup on a index very fast and acts as a cache layer on the DART
The current cache is changed so that instead of holding TagionBill[Pubkey]
it contains DARTIndex[][DARTIndex]
and acts as a cache layer on the TRT
. Like the other cache it needs to update itself based on the recorder changes and create new trt requests.
Performing a hirpc.trt.dartRead
Performing a hirpc.dartRead
Updating DARTCache internally
Updating TrtCache internally
The TRT can push its updates to a cache just like the DART does. This is done by pushing the recorder that it modifies itself with. This recorder contains a "full list" of all documents located on a specific public key:
struct TRTArchive {
@label(TRTLabel) Pubkey owner;
DARTIndex[] indices;
mixin HiBONRecord!(q{
this(Pubkey owner, DARTIndex[] indices) {
this.owner = owner;
this.indices = indices;
Therefore from the recorder the cache is able to update itself.
Other than the above specified cache update the cache also updates itself on new requests from users.