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collider [testing tool]

The Collider tool handles Behaviour Driven test flow

  • Creates skeletens from the BDD Cucumber syntax.
  • Run the BDD test


./build/x86_64-linux/bin/collider [<option>...]
# Sub-tools
./build/x86_64-linux/bin/collider reporter [<options>...]

--version display the version
-I Include directory
-O Write configure file 'collider.json'
-R --regex_inc Include regex Default:"/testbench/"
-X --regex_exc Exclude regex Default:""
-i --import Set include file Default:""
-p --package Generates D package to the source files
-c --check Check the bdd reports in give list of directories
-C Same as check but the program will return a nozero exit-code if the check fails
-s --schedule Execution schedule Default: 'collider_schedule.json'
-r --run Runs the test in the schedule
-S Rewrite the schedule file
-j --jobs Sets number jobs to run simultaneously (0 == max) Default: 0
-b --bin Testbench program Default: 'testbench'
-P --proto Writes sample schedule file
-f --force Force a symbolic link to be created
-v --verbose Enable verbose print-out
-n --dry Shows the parameter for a schedule run
-h --help This help information.collider [<option>...]

Configuration file

Some of the options can added to a configure file. The configuer file can with via -O switch.

Sample of a config file

"bdd_ext": ".md", /// bdd markdown extension
"bdd_gen_ext": "", /// Generated markdown
"d_ext": "gen.d", /// Regenerated D-source extension
"dfmt": "\/home\/carsten\/bin\/dfmt\n", /// D-source formatter
"dfmt_flags": [
"enable_package": false, /// Enables generation of package.d (switch '-p')
"iconv": "\/usr\/bin\/iconv\n", /// Program used to correct illegal utf char in the markdown files
"iconv_flags": [
"importfile": "", /// Include file (switch '-i')
"paths": [], /// List of source paths (switch '-I')
"regex_exc": "", /// Regex to exclude file from source paths (switch '-X')
"regex_inc": "\/testbench\/", /// Regex to include files in the source paths (switch '-R')
"schedule_file": "collider_schedule.json", /// Collider run schedule filename (switch '-P')
"collider_root": "" /// The root of the log files (if $COLLIDER_ROOT is set then this is used instead)

The root directory of the log path is set with the "collider_root" configure, this path can be overruled with the $COLLIDER_ROOT environment.

Generating skeletens from the BDD md

The switch -i<include-file> set the include files which is added to all the skeletens source files and -I<dir> sets the import path and -p enables the generation of the package.d for all the generated package inside the <dir>.


collider -p -itagion/bdd/bdd_import.di -Itagion/bdd -v

Example of BDD

Executing BDD

The collider tool can execute a list of BDD defined in the collider_schedule.json

Generate proto schedule file.


collider -P -s default_schedule.json

Will generated a default schedule file named default_schedule.json.

"units": {
"collider_test": { /// Name of test program
"args": ["-x", "-oxxx.txt"], /// Argument applied to the program
"envs": {
"MY_ENV" : "Some value"
}, /// Addtinal environment
"stages": [
"commit" /// This of stage flags
"timeout": 0.0 /// Timeout in ms

Run the tests listed in the schedule file

To run the all the testprograms in stage .


# Make sure to set the environment before running the collider
# The following will run all tests with the "commit" stage using 4 core.
collider -r commit -j 4 -b build/x86_64-linux/bin/testbench
  • Note: More than one -r can execute if needed.

Check the result of BDD run

Prints the accumulated result.


collider -cv logs/x86_64-linux/bdd/commit/results/

Inspecting the setup of the schedule run.

The setting of a specific run can be inspect by adding the --dry switch.

export COLLIDER_ROOT=/tmp
collider -r example --dry

With a schedule like this.

"units": {
"collider_test": {
"args": [
"envs": {
"WORKDIR": "$(HOME)\/work"
"stages": [
"timeout": 0.0

Should produce a dry-run output as below.

0] testbench test_example -f/home/carsten/work
Log file /tmp/example/results/test_example.log
Unit = {
"args": [
"envs": {
"WORKDIR": "$(HOME)\/work"
"stages": [
"timeout": 0.0
Collider environment:
BDD_LOG = /tmp/example
BDD_RESULTS = /tmp/example/results
TEST_STAGE = example
WORKDIR = /home/carsten/work