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payout (auszahlung)


auszahlung [<option>...] <wallet.json> [<bill.hibon>]

--version display the version
-v --verbose Enable verbose print-out
--dry Dry-run this will not save the wallet
-C --create Create the wallet an set the confidence
-l --list List wallet content
-s --sum Sum of the wallet
--amount Create an payment request in tagion
--update Update wallet
--response Response from update (response.hibon)
--force Force input bill
--migrate Migrate from old account to dart-index account
-h --help This help information.

A payout process are created from a collection of other wallets.

The wallets collection should be create with the geldbeutel as a normal wallet.

Those wallets will control the access to the payout-wallets.

Before the wallets can be used the wallets should have a name. The name of the access-wallet can be set via the geldbeutel as follows.

geldbeutel svend.json --name svend

The payout-wallets should be initialized also be initialized with the auszahlung as it's shown here.

geldbeutel wallet1.json --path path_to_wallet -O

The wallets are created with the -C switch as showns below.

auszahlung wallet1.json hugo.json svend.json bendt.json -C 2

The number 2 means that 2 out of the 3 access wallet should sign a payout.

Generating a genesis bill

A genesis bill is generated as shown below.

auszahlung wallet1.json hugo.json svend.json bendt.json --amount 1e9 

This will create a bill in path_to_wallet/bills/bill_0.hibon

If the bill has been added to the network an HiPRC update command can be created as follows.

auszahlung wallet1.json hugo.json svend.json bendt.json --update

This command will create a with the default name called path_to_wallet/contracts/update_update.hibon.

This file is send to the network dart.

The response from the network should be used to update the wallet like.

auszahlung wallet1.json hugo.json svend.json bendt.json --response path_to_wallet/contracts/update_response.hibon

The payout-wallet account can be checked with.

auszahlung wallet1.json --list

Note. If the bill is green then the wallet has success-fully been updated.


The payout is performed with ad .csv delivered from the Decard CRM system.

The payout file should be copied into path_to_wallet/payout

It is recommend to --dry and -v` switch the first to test if the format is correct.

The following will generate the 3 HiRPC files which should be send to the network.

auszahlung wallet1.json hugo.json svend.json bendt.json path_to_wallet/payout/payout_file.csv

You should see the flowing files in path_to_wallet/contracts/.


The file path_to_wallet/contracts/path_file.hibon should be send to the contracts of the network.

When the contract has been processed then the path_to_wallet/contracts/path_file_update.hibon should be send to dart of the network.

Then the account file path_file_wallt/contracts/path_file_bill_update.hibon should be send to dart of the network.

Update the payout-wallet after the network transactions.

Check that the response for the transactions was successful.

hibonutil -pc path_to_wallet/contracts/path_file_response.hibon

Update the payout-wallet.

auszahlung wallet1.json hugo.json svend.json bendt.json --response path_to_wallet/contracts/payout_file_update_response.hibon
auszahlung wallet1.json --list

Update the CRM .csv file.

auszahlung wallet1.json hugo.json svend.json bendt.json --response path_to_wallet/contracts/payout_file_bill_update_response.hibon path_to_wallet/payout/path_file.csv

This command will update the path_file.csv which should be used to update the CRM system.

Note. If it is an old wallet auszahlung can migrate with the --migrate switch as follows.

auszahlung wallet_name.json --migrate